Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Did I just hear this?

THIS MORNING I heard some amazing words.  "Uno, Mommy is going to get another Corgi.  How do you feel about that?" - Chuck

Good news.  We have progress!  Perhaps a 3rd one will be coming to us for early 2011 after all !?

In other news... does anyone have the problem of getting their dog to finish all their food?  He gets 1 cup orijen AM and PM.  and 1 4oz satin ball AM and PM.  I'm thinking of breaking up the foods through out the day in hopes that he can maybe eat everything?? 

Chuck is bringing him to the vet this AM for his follow up booster for Lyme.. and is going to weigh him.  I guess we'll see how much progress we've made since the last weigh in 2 weeks ago.

In other news.. MACUNGIA, PA SHOW!!  Everyone should come :)  it will be a blast!!!


  1. Mine are generally extremely eager eaters, but sometimes they get confused if no other dogs are around. They seem to need the stimulation of competition.

    Dogs always surprise me with how different their food needs are - on two cups of Orijen I'd have sixty-pound Cardis. Clue gets 1/2 cup a day TOPS (when we feed Orijen) and still puts on too much.

  2. It's interesting for sure. Cooper gets 1 cup a day total and I think I may drop it to 3/4c. He packs weight on so easily. Uno.. apparently a hard gainer .I assume due to his lean muscle mass and high metabolism?

  3. Chuck is great and deserves a cookie! :-D

    Let's just say that I want Uno's metabolism! My guys are chow hounds. He may just be full with that much food.

    Of course a few around here would eat it anyway...

    Have fun in PA!

  4. I shall tell Chuck that you said he gets a Cookie. I bet he will bounce off the walls just to hear that hahaha!

    Uno is up 3lbs since the last time he was weighed.. which was like 2 wks ago? Up to 37lbs... Satin balls are helping for sure! I feel bad stuffing him with all this food. What dog complains about food? lol.

    Oh! Holly, the only day I have off next week is Sunday :\ I got scheduled extra hours (great to save up for future cardi and shows) b/c a girl is going on vaca.. so I have both jobs to work. I just found out today. Maybe we can arrange for another day to do grooming day?
