Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Flu? Swine? IDK

Whatever it is that hit me like a freight train last night is god awful! It started with horrible stomach pains in the AM so I stayed home from classes... all was well through out the day and I went to Handling class with Uno. Noticed that I got unusually hot during class but didn't think to much of it. As I drove home I noticed that I started to feel crummy...

On the bright side, I came home to a completely dark house. Odd I thought considering I thought Chuck would be home with Coop. Well we walked in the house and after putting down my stuff from dog training I saw the dining room lit with candles! Chuck had cooked a wonderful candle lit dinner and poured a nice glass of wine.

Unfortunately, I basically couldn't stomach the wine.. and after eating got worse and worse.

the rest of the night? Was spent running to the bathroom puking like nobodys business... until 430am today. NOT A GOOD TIME.

And just when I thought I had thrown up everything possible in my system? And away we go again when I decided to get some fresh air at lunch time. Ran straight to the bathroom and that toilet became a dear friend. Corgis were concerned.

THIS IS HORRIBLE. Whatever this is. h1n1 or whatever flu. I have to be in Providence on Friday to get ready for the dog show with Uno!!! This is not how I want to spend my weekend. Ughhhhhhhhhhh

the only thing I've managed to keep down would be saltines, fudgicles and some gingerale. The soup was iffy and water helps too sometimes... peptobismal does not stay down at all.


  1. In the south we say "stick to tea, taters and toast till your tummy gets better". Hope you get to feeling better soon!
